Beyond money management: How CFOs help your business achieve its goals

Chief financial officers (CFO) or someone who can provide outsourced CFO services are central to the health of your business. They oversee the financial operations of your business including bill payment, budgeting, planning for uncertainty, and strategizing for the future.

They can help you decide if you should buy more inventory, discontinue a product or service, whether you can and should apply for a loan or grant, whether you can open another location, and if you’re on track financially to reach your short- and long-term goals.

In short, CFOs help you tie your sales and expenses to your operational and strategic decisions. They help you answer one of the most popular questions small business owners ask: can and should I do this?

Their financial guidance and expertise make it easier for you to achieve your goals because they provide detailed data, forecasting, and projections that you can use to make informed decisions and they help you understand what will happen when you make certain decisions.

Regardless of these benefits, many small businesses don’t have a CFO or a person dedicated to understanding the financial implications of their decisions, usually because of a lack of resources.

That’s why Black Gallina offers these services as part of our monthly plans: so small businesses have access to a one-stop-shop of financial experts who can manage sales and expenses and provide big-picture guidance on business decisions.

After years of working with many small businesses in all stages of growth, we understand how to meet you where you are and provide guidance that fits with your goals. And more importantly, we recognize that achieving your business goals is also about achieving your personal ones.

For example, many small business owners ask us questions like:

Can I use my business income on a mortgage application for a house?

How can I spend less time working and more time on hobbies or hanging out with my family?

I agreed to be a sponsor for a local community event. How much should I budget?

We take those considerations into account when helping you make financial decisions for your business. We want you to love what you do, but not break your back—or the bank—doing it.

That’s why we give our client the benefit and comfort of having a financial expert who can take care of the smallest details and advise on the biggest decisions. Compliancy and profitability are important, but so are sustainability, innovation, and having a well-balanced life outside of work. Hiring someone to take care of your business’ finances is not only smart, but it’s healthy—for you, your employees, and your business.

Schedule a consultation to learn more about our CFO services and how they can help you achieve your goals better and faster.